Tamsin Gerrard-Doyle's new Webbs of Kendal kitchen

Designer kitchen specialists Webbs of Kendal have recently completed the installation of a new kitchen for Tamsin Gerrard-Doyle and her family.  Here’s what she had to say about her experience of working with Webbs:

Like many families in Kendal, our home was flooded during Storm Desmond in December 2015.  But despite the upheaval and disruption, we count ourselves fortunate to have great local businesses like Webbs of Kendal to help us put our homes back together.

Account manager Anna is a diamond.  She was brilliant throughout the process; supportive, understanding and attentive to our every need and want – and there was quite a list.  Her approach to us and our situation really were the silver-lining to come out of the grey rain clouds that devastated the ground floor out our property.
— Tasmin

From the dark days, we realised an opportunity to put our own stamp on our home, designing and fitting our dream kitchen with the support of experts like Anna and the team at Webbs of Kendal.

Together, our home has been re-invented to our exacting standards which is something that, from experience, can only be achieved when you have a close working relationship with your supplier.  And that is what we have with Webbs of Kendal.”

Have you or someone you know been affected by the floods?  Many families are still not back in there homes and in need of help.  We’ve already helped a number of local home owners, perhaps we could help them too? Please share this post on your timelines and together we can try and help more families like Tamsin’s.

